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1 Skip Intro  Fri, Nov 23, 2012 6:14:40pm

If Conservative Fact Check decides to go birther, they'll overtake World Nut Daily as the least credible site on the net.

Later, on reflection, surely this site is satire. The statement "They also unfairly tarnish Michele Bachmann as a liar, when anybody who follows her already understands that many of her statements aren't meant to be truthful in the first place -- she simply says what she feels." can't possibly be serious.

So, I may have been hasty in my statement above.

2 watching you tiny alien kittens are  Fri, Nov 23, 2012 7:01:01pm

re: #1 Skip Intro

Hard to tell really, it could be satire but if so it is fairly subtle except for a few statements scattered about in the articles that seem just "over the top" enough that they make you hope that it is satire and not the writers true feelings.

With the current "reality challenged" state of the GOP it is impossible to say for sure with anything like certainty. Although this article is blatantly suspect enough to make me believe that this more than likely the work of a Poe...


3 Skip Intro  Fri, Nov 23, 2012 7:05:21pm

re: #2 watching you tiny alien kittens are

It's things like this that makes me think it's all a put-on,

"Our Staff

Chuck Rogers, Editor-In-Chief
Mr. Rogers presently writes all the content for CFC.

"Techdude", Technical Editor
Accomplished computer expert "techdude" has an A.A.S. in Network Technology and Security from Inver Hills Community College. He specializes in detecting document and photo forgeries."

The problem is that's it's just crazy enough to be real. That's what the right wing has turned into now. You just can't tell if they're being serious or not.

4 Hector1980  Sat, Nov 24, 2012 5:32:45am

re: #3 Skip Intro

"Techdude" was the PIXEL EXPERT! used by Crazy Pam in her Birther quest.

That site is a good example of Poe's Law, but I think that it is for real.

5 Major Tom  Sat, Nov 24, 2012 5:44:53am


6 philosophus invidius  Sat, Nov 24, 2012 7:44:02am
To have any semblance of fairness, PolitiFact should play it 50/50 and present an equal number of lies from both sides.

Seems obviously like a joke. But then when you look at other articles it's not so clear,

The Bush administration proved the naysayers wrong; the GDP grew by 2% as a result of the tax cuts, and the Bush administration created a net positive amount of jobs over its first six years.

By comparison, some economists have estimated that the Romney tax plan will grow the GDP by 3%

Maybe a pretend conservative just trying to make some money?

7 philosophus invidius  Sat, Nov 24, 2012 7:50:28am

But, then again:

Without ObamaCare, everybody has the option to be a freeloader if they so choose. Personal responsibility includes being responsible for your own choice of whether you're going to pay for your own insurance, or be a freeloader.

Liberals love unfunded mandates -- or, at the least... they tolerate them. If ObamaCare is repealed, the unfunded mandate will continue, and the liberal will remain in its natural state. The unfunded mandate is the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, signed into law by President Clinton.

use every opportunity to remind your liberal friends that ObamaCare was originally a Republican idea, and they'll slowly turn against it -- guaranteed.

8 philosophus invidius  Sat, Nov 24, 2012 7:54:22am
You can't recover by standing still. To get back on our feet, our nation's gross domestic product needs to be growing at greater than the normall rate.

But according to the FRED database, under Obama, it's growing at the same rate that it did under Bush (at least until the recession).

This is not a meaningful recovery.

Image: gdp.png

The mystery deepens.

9 philosophus invidius  Sat, Nov 24, 2012 8:41:34am

Mystery solved:

Technically speaking, gas prices are higher today than they were on inauguration day. Forget trends, forget inflation -- that's what matters. Just point them to the weeks surrounding inauguration day. Nobody's claiming that gas prices are bad today compared to most of the previous administration... when arguing with your liberal friends, don't let them change the goalposts.

Imagine if McCain had been elected -- we might be paying less than $1.90 a gallon like we were for those magical weeks in December 2008 and January of 2009.

Seems more like trolling than satire.

10 sagehen  Sat, Nov 24, 2012 10:55:19am

re: #7 philosophus invidius

But, then again:

"The unfunded mandate is the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, signed into law by President Clinton."

error error error

President Reagan signed that one, in 1985.

11 Three Chord Monty  Sat, Nov 24, 2012 1:20:32pm

What Happened?

The fake birth certificate? Barely a mention. The election fraud. The rumors about homosexuality. The mysterious trips to Pakistan. Nothing.

12 philosophus invidius  Sat, Nov 24, 2012 1:47:49pm
Sure, those of us who watch Fox News understand what's going on, but Romney's team forgot that there's a critical mass of voters who watch other news channels besides Fox, or who don't watch Fox News at all.

the campaign apparently didn't know that many people who don't watch Fox News apparently think ObamaCare is a good thing. These are, presumably, the same folks who think climate change is real, or that supply-side economics is a hoax -- but whether we like it or not, they make up the electorate.

13 Three Chord Monty  Sat, Nov 24, 2012 2:35:50pm

This is one hell of a website, somewhere between "Landover Baptist" and the page on Conservapedia where Andy Schlafly declares the Theory of Relativity to be 'liberal claptrap.'

I did see a page on the birth certificate--from a year ago--it links to Geller.

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