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1 Buck  Sat, Jan 19, 2013 8:29:25pm

What does this have to do with Little Green Footballs?

I don’t get it.

2 lostlakehiker  Sat, Jan 19, 2013 9:28:27pm

re: #1 Buck

What does this have to do with Little Green Footballs?

I don’t get it.

I guess only Republican wrongdoing has anything to do with LGF. My bad.

3 RadicalModerate  Sun, Jan 20, 2013 2:19:34am

re: #2 lostlakehiker

I guess only Republican wrongdoing has anything to do with LGF. My bad.

From the Page title and this comment, it appears that you’re more interested in invoking a MBF, and possibly some personal axe you have to grind with Charles and the LGF readership than the actual article itself. There’s plenty of stories that have been reported here regarding people on the political left doing bad things, and who have rightly been criticized for their actions.

Especially during the past few years, however, it has been much easier to document - due to the obscene volume and frequency of them -the off-the-rails shenanigans from the far right who have effectively taken over the Republican Party.

4 Randall Gross  Sun, Jan 20, 2013 3:26:31am

re: #2 lostlakehiker

When I see wrongdoing I post it, I don’t care about the party affiliation. Making the title “little green footballs” is ridiculous, and so are you. If you don’t like it here, or if you’ve adopted that paranoid worldview so in vogue on the right maybe you ought to find someplace else.

5 Decatur Deb  Sun, Jan 20, 2013 5:40:21am

Perhaps your point would have been pointier if any of us had ever heard of Michigan Supreme Court Justice Diane Hathaway. Sounds like just another “Party Immaterial” crooked politician.

Concerning LGF, I miss several of the saner RW ex-Lizards. They gave the joint ‘texture’. If you’re losing your shit, please do it quietly—it’s early Sunday and the coffee hasn’t kicked in.

6 Vicious Babushka  Sun, Jan 20, 2013 5:46:15am

Looks like an example of what happens when you use the LGF Bookmarklet tool from the Pages dashboard.

7 Varek Raith  Sun, Jan 20, 2013 6:11:16am

re: #2 lostlakehiker

I guess only Republican wrongdoing has anything to do with LGF. My bad.

See, the crazies and the crooks pretty much run your party. Not so much on the dem side. And at least the dems punish their members when they do bad. Look at the response of both parties with regards to Wiener and Vitter. Notice something? Yeah. Wiener is gone and Vitter isn’t, despite Vitter actually committing a crime.

So, good, this person is being investigated. I welcome it. It’s just that most of us never heard of her.

8 Sionainn  Sun, Jan 20, 2013 6:40:38am

re: #2 lostlakehiker

I guess only Republican wrongdoing has anything to do with LGF. My bad.

This has to be about the most stupid thread and post I’ve ever seen on LGF.

9 palomino  Sun, Jan 20, 2013 7:51:14am

lostlakehiker posts really stupid shit, possible brain injury involved…story developing. news item. factual content.

10 Dr. Matt  Sun, Jan 20, 2013 8:04:23am

re: #2 lostlakehiker

I guess only Republican wrongdoing has anything to do with LGF. My bad.

You didn’t answer the question, assclown.

11 Randall Gross  Sun, Jan 20, 2013 8:48:03am

re: #6 Vicious Babushka

Looks like an example of what happens when you use the LGF Bookmarklet tool from the Pages dashboard.

That’s what I was thinking until I saw comment 2.

12 Locker  Sun, Jan 20, 2013 9:03:51am

re: #11 Randall Gross

That’s what I was thinking until I saw comment 2.

I still think that’s what happened to be honest. This looks like a complete fuck up when using the LGF bookmarklet and someone too “something” (embarrassed, cocky, afraid, etc) to fix it.

If this:

I guess only Republican wrongdoing has anything to do with LGF. My bad.

is really your problem, hiker, then it’s hard to imagine that this post would do ANYTHING to change your perceived problems.

How about you either go find someplace that posts articles in a left-right balance for which you’ve given your vital approval or learn how to add to the content stream here without pissing off the entire site and having your observations completely invalidated by your own stupidity.

13 Charles Johnson  Sun, Jan 20, 2013 10:50:39am

OK, now this is just weird.

14 Gus  Sun, Jan 20, 2013 11:12:41am

re: #2 lostlakehiker

I guess only Republican wrongdoing has anything to do with LGF. My bad.

The question is, why did you title this page “Little Green Footballs.” Just a mistake?

15 Obdicut  Sun, Jan 20, 2013 1:49:09pm

What is this I don’t even.

16 Obdicut  Sun, Jan 20, 2013 1:52:20pm

The story is a perfectly good and newsworthy one. The presentation of it leaves something to be desired, unless it’s Passive-Aggressive Day and I missed the memo.

17 The Force Ghost of a Flea  Sun, Jan 20, 2013 2:03:06pm

re: #16 Obdicut

The story is a perfectly good and newsworthy one. The presentation of it leaves something to be desired, unless it’s Passive-Aggressive Day and I missed the memo.

It’s never Aggressively Passive Day, is it?

18 Obdicut  Sun, Jan 20, 2013 2:14:39pm

re: #17 The Ghost of a Flea

It’s never Aggressively Passive Day, is it?

Fine, I’ll look up whether it is or not. It’s no trouble at all. It’s not like I was doing anything else. Don’t worry about doing it yourself. Save your energy for all the important things you’re doing.


19 lostlakehiker  Sun, Jan 20, 2013 9:06:28pm

Well, as an experiment, it certainly worked. Question: can anything negative about a democrat be posted here and escape virulent censure?

Answer? No. Not even if it’s just a pure factual post, with no editorializing whatever.

Factual observations about how affirmative action sometimes has counterproductive effects are also flamed.

The forum has become basically toxic. All the discussion is about how Republicans hate women, how Republican women hate women, etc. etc.

Democrats do not clean their own house. Look at how Barney Frank skated, twice. The second time for driving Fannie and Freddie into the ground by pushing them to write loans that could never be repaid. Look at how Jon Corzine skates after failing to segregate customer money from MF Global’s own money. Look back at how Hillary Clinton never was called to account for “Cattlegate”. Now, finally, long long overdue, Ray Nagin is in trouble. But Marion Barry can go to jail and then get reelected.


You are now running the country. You are, in particular, running Illinois and California. By every objective measure, these states are particularly badly run. Their finances are a mess. Coming soon to the whole nation.

I cannot protect myself from bearing a share of the mess you’ll make. My only consolation is that neither can you. We will have that much in common: our suffering. But at this point, that is all we have in common. Goodbye.

20 TedStriker  Mon, Jan 21, 2013 2:01:52am

re: #19 lostlakehiker

You were never interested in discussion or the “truth” about anything involving Democrats, you’re just into “woe is me” histrionics because hardly anyone fell for your broad-brush “Republicans may be bad, but Democrats are worse” bullshit, no matter how hard you tried to twist and distort facts.

You want facts, here’s one for you: I know that you posted this specifically to flounce, because it’s so transparent that you did a put-up job (and that you’ve been going in this direction for a while).

If you’re gonna be that way, kindly piss off and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

21 Obdicut  Mon, Jan 21, 2013 4:18:29am

re: #19 lostlakehiker

Answer? No. Not even if it’s just a pure factual post, with no editorializing whatever.

Are you really ignoring that the way you presented it was obviously passive-aggressive?

I guess you are. You were on a martyr power-dive and you succeeded. Congrats.

22 Interesting Times  Mon, Jan 21, 2013 5:57:54am

re: #19 lostlakehiker

This self-pitying “play me off with the world’s smallest violin” post of yours is even more ironic given you’re one of the the only conservatives I’m aware of who accepts the reality of climate change. As long as republicans don’t, yes, not only are they worse than Democrats, but an existential threat to the long-term survival of human civilization. The only way this can possibly change is if enough conservatives still tethered to objective reality either refuse to vote, or vote for Democrats en masse, until the GOP gets the 1964-style humiliating loss that finally prods them to, yes, clean their own damn house.

And as Obdicut says above, no one objected to the content of your original post, just the cowardly, back-handed, and passive-aggressive way it was presented. You’d have to be willfully blind in the extreme not to see this fact.

23 Dr. Matt  Mon, Jan 21, 2013 6:11:29am

re: #19 lostlakehiker

Well, as an experiment, it certainly worked. Question: can anything negative about a democrat be posted here and escape virulent censure?

Ah, so you wanted to pretend to be a victim. Congrats. Mission accomplished, assclown.

Are you ever going to answer the simple question as why you titled this entry “Little Green Footballs”?

24 Dr. Matt  Mon, Jan 21, 2013 6:13:26am

re: #19 lostlakehiker

You are now running the country. You are, in particular, running Illinois and California. By every objective measure, these states are particularly badly run. Their finances are a mess. Coming soon to the whole nation.

You forgot to mention Texas, assclown, that without Federal dollars would not be able to balance its budget.

So, next question: Are you pretending to be retarded?

25 Kronocide  Mon, Jan 21, 2013 6:28:13am

Goodbye douche. Enjoy your martyrdom at the stalker blog.

26 BongCrodny  Mon, Jan 21, 2013 6:35:14am

re: #19 lostlakehiker

Well, as an experiment, it certainly worked. Question: can anything negative about a democrat be posted here and escape virulent censure?

Answer? No. Not even if it’s just a pure factual post, with no editorializing whatever.

I cannot protect myself from bearing a share of the mess you’ll make. My only consolation is that neither can you. We will have that much in common: our suffering. But at this point, that is all we have in common. Goodbye.


Anthony Weiner, John Edwards and Jon Corzine have been trashed here; Congressmen Eric Wu, David Massa and Jesse Jackson, Jr. have all experienced less than true love here as well.

Grow the fuck up and get a big fucking jar of ass cream for that butthurt.

27 BongCrodny  Mon, Jan 21, 2013 6:35:59am

re: #23 Dr. Matt

Ah, so you wanted to pretend to be a victim. Congrats. Mission accomplished, assclown.

Are you ever going to answer the simple question as why you titled this entry “Little Green Footballs”?

Because, liberals, that’s why!

28 Sionainn  Mon, Jan 21, 2013 6:54:52am

re: #19 lostlakehiker

Well, as an experiment, it certainly worked. Question: can anything negative about a democrat be posted here and escape virulent censure?

Answer? No. Not even if it’s just a pure factual post, with no editorializing whatever.

Factual observations about how affirmative action sometimes has counterproductive effects are also flamed.

The forum has become basically toxic. All the discussion is about how Republicans hate women, how Republican women hate women, etc. etc.

Democrats do not clean their own house. Look at how Barney Frank skated, twice. The second time for driving Fannie and Freddie into the ground by pushing them to write loans that could never be repaid. Look at how Jon Corzine skates after failing to segregate customer money from MF Global’s own money. Look back at how Hillary Clinton never was called to account for “Cattlegate”. Now, finally, long long overdue, Ray Nagin is in trouble. But Marion Barry can go to jail and then get reelected.


You are now running the country. You are, in particular, running Illinois and California. By every objective measure, these states are particularly badly run. Their finances are a mess. Coming soon to the whole nation.

I cannot protect myself from bearing a share of the mess you’ll make. My only consolation is that neither can you. We will have that much in common: our suffering. But at this point, that is all we have in common. Goodbye.

I guess we’ll see. Here’s a page I just posted: Link

29 Randall Gross  Mon, Jan 21, 2013 8:37:12am

re: #28 Sionainn

I posted that a while ago, nobody cared.


30 Sionainn  Mon, Jan 21, 2013 8:41:51am

re: #29 Randall Gross

I posted that a while ago, nobody cared.


Thanks for pointing it out. I had missed it!

31 wrenchwench  Mon, Jan 21, 2013 10:47:31am

re: #19 lostlakehiker

Factual observations about how affirmative action sometimes has counterproductive effects are also flamed.

If by ‘flamed’, you mean ‘shown to be incorrect opinions based on racism’, then yeah.

We haven’t had a whiny flounce like that in a while. You will not be missed.

32 palomino  Mon, Jan 21, 2013 12:09:47pm

re: #19 lostlakehiker

You’ve been here for a long time, starting in 2006; obviously, you couldn’t tolerate the fact that LGF became less conservative, so you eventually semi-flounced in a truly childish and idiotic way. Truth be told, you never had much to offer rhetorically or intellectually…your latest little experiment was a massive fail due to its simplicity and lack of sincerity. The real tell is that you offer no specifics of what the “mess” is, or why your side would be better at fixing it or even what their plan is.

I’m guessing you spend most of your time listening to Limbaugh, et al., since your biggest complaint was the Palin-esque talking point “Fannie and Freddie, OMG, destroyed the economy. It’s all Barney’s fault.” Oh, yeah, and CA doesn’t have a balanced budget. I’ll trade that problem for your party’s problem (being stuck in the middle of the previous century) any day. Unbalanced budgets can be fixed (see the late 90s on the federal level) a lot easier than political parties can crawl out of a reactionary hyper-religious aging and dwindling population base.

Four more years, boo hoo 4 u.

33 NJDhockeyfan  Mon, Jan 21, 2013 2:53:01pm

What an odd flounce. This is a flounce, right?

34 Bubblehead II  Mon, Jan 21, 2013 4:09:34pm

re: #1 Buck

What does this have to do with Little Green Footballs?

re: #6 Vicious Babushka

Looks like an example of what happens when you use the LGF Bookmarklet tool from the Pages dashboard.

Could be that here recently, that when you click on Create a Page, It autofills in the title with where ever you are (Main Page or LGF Pages) and then includes a link down in the text entry box for either the Main Page or LGF Pages. You then have to manually delete both and enter what you want.

Is this what happened in this post? I don’t know. But I do know that it is happening to me.

Oops, Sorry Charles. I sent you a report about this, but clicked the wrong button. (offensive content v recommend)

35 andres  Mon, Jan 21, 2013 5:30:27pm

re: #19 lostlakehiker

Everything is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. You wanted to get a negative reaction, so you make the articule in question insulting. It is not wonder many people got offended, and now you would like to claim higher ground on how martyrized you are here.

Meh. If that’s makes you feel better, feel free to do so.

36 EPR-radar  Mon, Jan 21, 2013 5:46:30pm

re: #19 lostlakehiker

Irony abounds here —- a Republican referring to LGF (or to any forum) as toxic.

For the record, the GOP and its associated propaganda organizations (Fox News, talk radio) have systematically been working to make politics in the US toxic, with considerable success.

Furthermore, the GOP has steadily been sliding further and further into insanity, which is clearly one of the most pressing issues in present-day US politics.

Thus, many of the articles, pages and comments here relate to toxic crap whose ultimate source is the GOP, rather than the messengers that deliver the bad news here.

Now, I can understand that a Republican who is deluded enough to believe that the GOP retains sufficient vestiges of decency and sanity to be taken seriously as a legitimate party might be distressed by the tone and commentary here.

However, I’m not interested in coddling the hurt feelings of the deluded. If the harsh critics of the GOP are way off base about the party’s racism, misogyny, homophobia, contempt for the poor and working people etc., etc., etc., then it shouldn’t be too hard to make out an affirmative case for voting GOP.

Yes, I know this is a trick question. The Romney 2012 campaign also completely failed at this supposedly simple task.

37 JamesWI  Mon, Jan 21, 2013 8:59:55pm

re: #33 NJDhockeyfan

What an odd flounce. This is a flounce, right?

Lamest. Flounce. Ever.

“I’m going to title my flounce post “Little Green Footballs” even though the content has nothing to do with LGF, then when people ask me why I titled the post “Little Green Footballs,” I’ll just pretend they were trying to censor my very important opinions!”

38 calochortus  Tue, Jan 22, 2013 8:26:23am

I wasn’t going to bother to post, but since this is still here, taunting me as it were, I need to point out that CA may well be on it’s way back to financial health. Housing starts are up, unemployment is down (although that is uneven across the state) and the budget may or may not turn out to be balanced-but it is far closer than it has been lately. The number one cause people give for leaving the state is the cost of living-much of which is because land is very expensive because despite whatever problems we have, so many people want to live here.

So, sure, feel free to bash CA if it makes you feel better. It really won’t affect my quality of life. But do try to keep up with actual facts. OK?

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