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1 Randall Gross  Wed, Sep 25, 2013 6:41:10pm

I wish I could help, I’m holding out on LR 5 and photoshop elements. Because most of my work is done in LR, the rest of the CS doesn’t appeal to me much and the price is too rich for me. The special is only available to full CS / Photoshop users, so people who use LR / Elements are out of luck.

2 klys  Wed, Sep 25, 2013 7:34:00pm

I don’t use any of it enough to justify paying an ongoing subscription so I unfortunately can’t offer any input (I’m not even sure which version I’m running right now, except I know I have Lightroom 4).

3 Political Atheist  Wed, Sep 25, 2013 7:36:21pm

I’m still in for the $50. The increase gave me pause. What if $60?” $75? A hunny?!? Yikes.

I figure if I can’t get enough pro work to justify that $50 expense I’m fooling myself. I have my quibbles. The V6 and CC upgrade about killed me on a deadline when Encore was not in the Premiere CC bundle.

I use Premiere, After Effects, Encode, PS, Story, and Indesign. Utterly key to my little media company.

I can see using something other than PS. But Premiere as it integrates with AE and PS? Can’t beat it.

4 Carlos Danger  Wed, Sep 25, 2013 7:48:58pm

I was more or less forced into the system so I could use After Effects in a class. Being able to use the software on both PC and Mac is really cool, but I don’t know if it’s going to turn out to be 60 dollars great.

I found out a little later it can’t be cancelled without incurring the full yearly fee (a lot!). It is, virtually, a negative option billing scheme. I’m going to be looking for alternatives when the term is up.

5 ObserverArt  Thu, Sep 26, 2013 7:06:15am

I’m a graphic artist and a long time user of Adobe products. I flat out do not like this setup. I really think Adobe is going to regret this in the long run. I’m hoping they’ve opened the door for a company like Corel to take over for graphic artists that like the old method of software use and distribution. It might also open up others to offer similar programming. Maybe a company like ACD Systems/Canvas will expand and offer other software offerings.

Disclosure: When I had to switch to digital art production in 1990, the small ad agency I worked for had a customer that dealt in PC computers and their setup. The owner of the company had no idea that at that early stage Adobe products were already rolling pretty strong on the Mac/Apple systems and they had early domination of the graphic arts market. The owner of the PC company sold my boss on Intel/PC units and one of the graphic arts programs that was available for PC was Corel Draw. We also had an early version of Aldus Pagemaker.

It was a big struggle for me as an artist to learn to work from PC platforms and actually be able to get prepress output a printer could use. I also took a huge amount of abuse from other Mac devotees and it forced me to learn to compete with a PC and to shut up what I came to term the Mac-attude from other graphic arts users.

In a way I am glad it happened that way for me, as I learned a hell of a lot about computer systems to make the PC give me what I wanted. Today a PC is capable of doing everything a Mac can do…just less expensive and without the Mac-attude. I also learned Corel Draw and in many ways I still prefer it for vector line work because it has some simpler steps and tools that just work better for me than the step-heavy Adobe Illustrator. Sometimes I do part of a logo or illustration in Corel and then export an eps file into Illustrator. Corel also has photo editing software that is very similar to Photoshop.

I hope I have not offended Mac users. But some of them in graphic arts have turned computing into a religion and Adobe rode that wave. Its like fighting over using two brands of artists pencils or brushes when all anyone cares about is what can you create…the output, the drawing, the painting. Bottom line, there will be alternatives to Adobe Products. I hope Adobe understands it, or are they counting on the ‘religious’ to stick with them?

6 Skip Intro  Thu, Sep 26, 2013 9:05:34am

re: #4 Carlos Danger

I found out a little later it can’t be cancelled without incurring the full yearly fee (a lot!). It is, virtually, a negative option billing scheme. I’m going to be looking for alternatives when the term is up.

Supposedly it can be cancelled within the first 30 days of auto-renewal with no penalty. That’s where I am right now.

Personally, 90% of what I do I do with PS and LR. Occasionally I use Illustrator, and I sometimes play around with InDesign.

Still, $10 a month looks a lot better than $50, but I’m still afraid Adobe will end up locking me out of everything if I cancel, then try to resubscribe to the PS/LR only package.

I naively thought when I first read the announcement for the new package that I could switch online. Then I thought I could call them and do it. Wrong both times.

I have to use “chat” and deal with someone in a call center in India who works off of a script to do this. Like I’ve already said, I just don’t trust Adobe not to totally screw everything up.

7 J A P  Fri, Sep 27, 2013 6:07:57pm

I haven’t used CC but I’ve been using the Creative Suite for years and I’m still hanging onto the purchased, rather than subscription, version. I don’t know what I’m going to do when it gets too old to use. You’ve really scared me. On and off for months now I’ve been looking for alternatives. I use Illustrator heavily. I used to think Corel Draw was better and I started using Illustrator mainly because of the Creative Suite. I tried Corel’s products as an alternative a couple of years ago before the last time I bought a Creative Suite upgrade and felt like they hadn’t kept up.

I no longer work professionally as an artist, so I don’t know what I’ll do in the future. Fifty dollars a month for the rest of your life with regular increases is a lousy deal. I still have my old easel and brushes. Despite the fact that I’m not a professional anymore, it’s hard to imagine not having some sort of software for producing art, just like it’s hard to imagine throwing out my easel because I use it a little less often.

@ Observer Art:
I’ve worked mainly on PCs, too. In fact, it’s the Adobe products that have kept me from completely switching to Linux.

Adobe has gotten greedy. The question is whether or not there is any other company willing and able to take advantage of this. I don’t know much about Corel as a company.

8 Skip Intro  Sat, Sep 28, 2013 9:06:39am

re: #7 J A P

Adobe has gotten greedy. The question is whether or not there is any other company willing and able to take advantage of this. I don’t know much about Corel as a company.

Their “Draw” product isn’t bad, but Photopaint doesn’t really cut it. Their $99 Paint Shop Pro does a better job, but the killer is if you’ve got hundreds or thousands of PS docs with layers, the only product that allows you to open them unflattened is PS. You can go to Adobe’s PS Elements product, but then you lose 16 bit support.

So what it boils down to is are you willing to lose all of your detailed work to move to another product, or are you going to be chained to Adobe forever? I haven’t decided yet, but my time for bailing out of the CC without penalty is starting to run out.

9 ContraryLemming  Sun, Sep 29, 2013 5:54:57pm

For me, the CC is the best deal going. I use just about every app in the CC except Illustrator, and I got a couple of things in the last month that I had to open in Illustrator to edit. So for me (at $20/mo.), it’s a no-brainer.

As for the griping about paying ad infinitum … it’s still far, far cheaper than the $2700 or so that a full CS5, 5.5 or 6 suite will set you back. There are gift cards available on Amazon that will allow you to get a steep discount on the monthly suite. And if Adobe cranks the price up too much, they will lose users. I don’t think this is in the cards. The last thing they want is software that is prohibitively expensive for users … as was the case when the entry fee was almost $3K.

They are appealing to a global audience with this pricing scheme - one that in the past, just bought pirated & cracked Adobe suites on the streets for $2 or so. This is an attempt to recognize that the market for creative tools is now far larger than just a bunch of unhappy graphics nerds in North America, and to figure out how to set a price that is high enough to make money … but low enough that design shops in Singapore, Delhi and Kiev will still choose to pay it, rather than rely on PirateWare that has viruses, trojans & constant crashing built into it.

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