
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel5/30/2009 6:12:33 am PDT

re: #453 Sharmuta

It’s just- I had a goal of being relevant, and when a person tells me I’ve had an impact, it really means something to me. I can’t thank you enough.

I can’t tell you enough how relevant you were. Seriously now: I am located squarely within the demographic that is stereotyped as hyperliberal. i’m pretty much the archetype of a crazy liberal that the current GOP caricatures: I’m a liberal heteroflexible female urban academic, latte-drinkin’, Iraq-war protesting, a card carrying member of the ACLU. I am a liberal progressive who voted for Obama (and I campaigned for him). I hang out on progressive and liberal blogs.

All of that is still true, but now I’m regg’d on LGF and I constantly argue that the GOP needs to return to real conservative roots.

anyway, enough about me. the real point here is about you— you’ve been tremendously influential in my own personal development and I’m sure lots of others too. You are very, very relevant.
I bet you’re impacting a lot of people you don’t even know about. If I could have emailed you personally years ago without being regged, I would have done so to thank you for the ways you’ve inspired me and been relevant to me.