
Arizona Birther Bill is 'Set Aside'

Killgore Trout4/29/2010 6:18:41 pm PDT

A handy tip for gardeners: Garlic
I’ve been experimenting on my slugs lately and by far the most effective way to remove slugs is with garlic. I’ve used baits, poisons, beer traps, etc but garlic beats them all. A few days ago I could count dozens, if not hundreds of slugs crawling around. Now I’m lucky to find 2 or 3. It’s easy, cheap and best of all, it works.
Just grind, mash, blend, blitz or mush 1 bulb of garlic in about 2-3 cups of water and let it sit overnight.
Strain the garlic water through a paper towel or strainer into a spay bottle or one of those large pressure sprayers. Top off the bottle or sprayer and spray your entire garden. It takes me 3-4 minutes. Even in the rain your slugs will be motivated to leave or die. Here’s the science: New Research Finds Garlic Kills Slugs
Seriously, it works.