
Video: Seth Meyers Is at His Best on Trump's Latest Fox & Friends Freak-Out

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/27/2018 5:32:21 pm PDT

Repeat from downstairs with additional comment:

America, 2018, rural Washington state style:

Letter: Globalism vs. Nationalism

Globalists believe that the welfare of mankind is ultimately best served by an educated elite ruling within One World Government in order to avoid major wars and catastrophic events. They support bigger controlling governments to that end, forcing one’s will upon others in that whatever is best for the whole overrides individual rights. They usually support open borders, Democrats, anti Second Amendment, atheism, evolution, situational ethics, and man’s wisdom over God’s.

Nationalists believe that the welfare of mankind is best served by independent nations competing against each other with mutual cooperation of free trade on a level playing field in order to bring out the best in everyone. They believe that the stronger benevolent nations can best keep any rogue nations in check that wish to distribute evil weapons of war and to make war. They are patriotic to their national interests and welfare over other nations. They usually support local and limited government, individual rights, closed borders with legal immigration, Second Amendment, creationism, and trusting in God and his absolute truths that never change.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and as a person’s power increases, usually their sense of morality decreases. Do you support Globalism or Nationalism?


So there you have it, you evolutionist globalists.

Anyway, the letter is distillation of the religious-right — Trump alliance.