
Overnight Open Thread

gmsc3/10/2009 11:17:45 pm PDT

gmsc’s money tips #21:

I’ve recently run across several great sites which have long lists of valuable money-related resources, so I thought I would share them with you.

First up, there’s 30 Free eBooks To Learn Everything You Want to Know About Personal Finance from the Mint Blog. Despite the title, there are actually 31 free eBooks on this site.

How about simple ideas for making money? freemoneyfinance’s money-making post archives have some interesting and original ideas for making extra money on the side. One of the more interesting ideas in this archive is how to make money by buying money (nope - no foreign exchange involved!).

What about investing? Try going through the archives of the ABCs of Investing, starting with their introductory post back in September 2008. As you know, I’m a big fan of building on a solid foundation of knowledge, basics and principles.

Speaking of principles, the Ludwig von Mises Institute has some interesting articles on not only the basics of money, but the government corruption of it, as well.

I’ll close with this list of the 100 Most Useful Financial Sites On the Web, which is a good one to keep revisiting as you have the time.