
Rifqa Bary and the Religious Right

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/30/2009 4:11:27 pm PDT

This is an endless exploitive fantasy that is ultimately very dangerous. It is one more myth being created about the evil government taking an innocent Christian away to be killed by her evil Muslim parents.

Isn’t it obvious the evil propaganda elements at play here…

1. The gov’t hates Christians so much that they will send a Christian girl to her death…

2. Muslims are evil, of course all of them would kill their kids if they transgressed the faith. (this also belittles the real cases of this).

3. Obama, who is a secret Muslim anyway, is behind it all.

4. It is time to take up arms and take America back.

This is a hateful and terrifying message that the gullible and frightened will believe. It combines religious fervor with nationalism, latent racism and a false sense of victimization.

Nothing at all good can come of it. These emotions fuel all manner of paranoid fantasy and they justify violence to those who buy them.