
Video: Worst City Workers of the Year

lawhawk12/28/2010 11:51:26 am PST

Thanks for the HT Charles.

That video sums up many NYers’ views on the Sanitation Department’s handling of snow removal throughout the City.

I personally hold the Mayor accountable for the failure to declare a state of emergency that would have reduced street traffic because it would have closed nonessential businesses and kept people off the roads. Snow removal has been delayed because Sanitation crews have to first remove stuck cars before they can plow, but this video is just ridiculous.

It’s a tragicomedy of errors - the front end loader is driven by an incompetent. Ditto the tow truck driver. Whoever sent the loader out without tire chains is incompetent, and the owner of the SUV will be left with the bill.

Mind you, if that SUV owner had failed to clear out his sidewalk, he’d be hit with a fine. When the City fails to clear entire blocks - what happens exactly? Lots of complaints, a few investigations, but in the end, it’s business as usual.