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jaunte5/07/2015 5:14:03 pm PDT

America’s richest congressman says poor in the US are ‘envy of the world’

“If you go to India or you go to any number of third-world countries, you have two problems: you have greater inequality of income and wealth. You also have less opportunity for people to rise from the have-not to the have.”
“I don’t think the comparison is one we want to make,” [CNN Money correspondent Cristina] Alesci responded. “We don’t want to compare ourselves to India. We want to set the bar pretty high.”

“Why shouldn’t we?” Issa countered, before telling her, “I appreciate your comment, but you’re wrong. You do have to compare yourself to the rest of the world. We compete with the rest of the world.”

If you wonder what our conservative aristocracy thinks about income inequality, there it is. They think we should pay the wages that let us compete with labor costs in India.