
Obama Insults Disabled People

JohnAdams3/19/2009 8:27:40 pm PDT

re: #971 robdouth

I agree with you on that wholeheartedly. I know I don’t have all the answers, and at my age, I’m finally getting to the point where I’m smart enough to know I don’t know shit. I’m always willing to be persuaded, though not a flip-flopper. I’ve ate crow and personally had to apologize to Charles for a comment that was viewed as out of line, and in retrospect, was given the manner of speech I used, it probably sounded like I was a d-bag creationist troll because I said a post was boring, when in fact doing the good work of keeping people aware of creationism is not bells, whistles and dinner parties. It’s slogging through endless amounts of pseudo-religious, pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo that rarely is coherent, but must be understood to be refuted.

Sometimes I want to say things that I can’t say here. So I don’t say them here. Doesn’t mean I can’t say it. Just means I can’t say it here. In a fine, public place, you have to exercise restraint. That being said, people fling it pretty good here!