
LGF Poll: 9/11 Terror Trials in New York

Guanxi8811/18/2009 9:19:20 pm PST

re: #1002 LudwigVanQuixote

Well then you know what… We try him on the Pearl murder. And if we so totally fucked up on everything that we can’t convict him then the blame falls squarely on W and Cheney.

He wasn’t grabbed by the ISI in connection with a criminal prosecution, you hopelessly dense fellow. We never intended to treat this as a prosecution of a criminal case, because it wasn’t a criminal case then, it was a national security matter.

Try him for the Pearl murder? Why not try to bust him for traveling without a proper visa?

Besides, the important thing is that the blame for the mess falls on Bush & Cheney. That’s the entire fucking point of this whole fucking exercise.