
Anti-gay pundits deplete national supply of Nazi comparisons, irony

A Mom Anon4/05/2014 1:54:00 pm PDT

The first amendment only protects you from the government punishing you, isn’t that correct? If that is the case, then discussions of the first amendment and the rights of CEOs and assorted wealthy asshats to keep their jobs or have public platforms to spew hate are pretty much useless, yes?

Prop 8 was a disgusting piece of legislation, and the campaign leading up to it was just as horrible. Money flooded into California from the Mormons and other right wing religious groups to confuse the issue, prey upon prejudice and fuel hatred.

There is right and there is wrong. If we’re going to call ourselves a democracy then we damned well better accept that means EXPANDING civil rights, not taking them away under some religious bullshit excuse using “family values” and “morals” to hide behind. You don’t tolerate EVERY hateful shitty thing in a free society. That’s not how it works, and people are SUPPOSED to fight back and apply pressure to stop such things. It’s not that hard to grasp.