
Video: James Randi vs. Dowsing

hazzyday2/22/2009 12:38:20 pm PST

Ideomotor Effect. The unconscious mind is very difficult to measure or determine. Sometimes it just seems to be a practical joker. In the case of the circle dowser. We can say that with his eyes open all the parameters of his test were known to his unconsciousness. His mind knew, the circle, the distance, the rods, and what he was going to do. There was no real test here. His unconsciousness mind moved as he programmed it to and his body motor reflexes provided him the feedback. And as Randi said he might not have even been aware of it.

The unconsciousness mind and suggestion are eerily powerful. A test would be for Randi to place one pipe underneath the floor of a large elevated warehouse and then turn the dowser loose giving him one chance to find it. I would also have a random person move the pipe unknown to the other testers. And have that person leave. Randi should just make him the test offer regardless of lawsuit.

If dowsing were to work, according to the ideomotor effect it would be the mind that perceives the pipes not the rods. The dowsing rods just reflect the inner mind though muscle nerves. Can that really occur?

This muscle testing seems to me to be the same thing as dowsing. The two times people have tried it on me they seemed eerily correct. However I was never interested enough in it to spend any time testing it out. According to this theory if you let a yec’r hold a Michael Behe book, they would become weak in the muscles. Their mind would know it’s crap.