
Wingnuts Who Predicted Doom for America Now Saying 'We Can Survive 4 More Years of Obama'

Targetpractice11/08/2012 11:00:02 am PST

In other bad prediction news, fatass bullshit artist admits mistake, congratulates others who actually acknowledged reality:

‘Unskewed Polls’ Founder Admits He Was Wrong

Dean Chambers, the man behind “unskewed polls,” a site that attempted to re-weight polls that Chambers thought oversampled Democrats, admitted to his model’s shortcomings on Wednesday.

“Most of the polls I ‘unskewed’ were based on samples that generally included about five or six or seven percent more Democrats than Republicans, and I doubted and questioned the results of those polls, and then ‘unskewed’ them based on my belief that a nearly equal percentage of Democrats and Republicans would turn out in the actual election this year,” Chambers wrote on The Examiner website. “I was wrong on that assumption and those who predicted a turnout model of five or six percent in favor of Democrats were right. Likewise, the polling numbers they produced going on that assumption turned out to be right and my ‘unskewed’ numbers were off the mark.”

Leading up to Election Day, Chambers took polls that showed a Democratic Party identification advantage and adjusted them to reflect more Republicans in the electorate. As of late September, the “unskewed” site showed Mitt Romney leading President Obama by 7.4 points. In Chambers’ final projection, he estimated Romney would win 51 percent of the popular vote and 275 electoral votes. That, of course, didn’t happen. Obama won the popular vote and 303 electoral votes to Romney’s 206 (Florida has yet to be decided).