
Pawlenty Jumps Aboard the Nut Wagon

austin_blue9/04/2009 11:03:53 pm PDT

re: #986 Mich-again

Blaming insurance companies for the high costs of medical care is like blaming the cashier for the high costs of groceries. Have you ever looked at an itemized bill from a hospital stay?

Yes. I have been there. The $5 Advil pill was a surprise. I have been hospitalized once over the past thirteen years when I got a nasty case of MRSA on my face.

I was the pus monster! They stuck me in a room for one day. They gave me pills that I could get at CVS (and did, after my release). The one day billed my insurance company $1,800. I was pissed that they stuck me in there and the insurance company called after the fact and grilled me to see if I had any “risk factors”! For a ubiquitous virus!