
No Racism at the Tea Party?

scalleywag9/17/2009 8:42:27 am PDT

re: #980 marjoriemoon

Well, they certainly haven’t been ignored, they’ve been the focus on all kinds of blog sites. I just think people who do these things are 1)total morons, and 2)they do it to stand out and get attention. They don’t carry signs like that to the grocery store or to their place of employment. They carry them to events with large crowds and media in attendance. So maybe, just maybe if we paid them no mind, they’d go back under the rock they slithered out from. I could be wrong, that’s just what I think. I don’t think Kayne deserves any attention for what he did, either. It was despicable. Why should he be invited on shows like Letterman? Why do we give people like this the time of day?