
Amazing America With Sarah Palin, Presented Sans Comment

CuriousLurker2/21/2014 6:58:32 pm PST

OT, but sheesh. WTF? I see this, so I go to look at the article because it’s not the sort of thing the Smithsonian usually tweets:

WTF 1.) Who? I’d never even heard of the GAIAE until I read the article. It doesn’t speak for all 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide—something which isn’t clear from the article—it’s more along the lines of “Oh, look at the silly shit those backwards Muslims are saying (again).”

WTF 2.) Why are they even issuing this kind of fatwa? I mean, seriously? The UAE, home to some of the most ostentatious displays of wealth in the Muslim world? How about some fatwas telling those rich Muslims who can afford this vanity trip that they and the rest of the world would be better served if they instead used their money to benefit the poor? How about some fatwas about the dangers of of materialism & ostentation versus the rewards of humility & giving extra charity?

WTF 3.) Why is the Smithsonian tweeting this type of click-bait crap? Are they headed down the same road as the Discovery and History channels?

WTF 4.) I guess the entire project is bullshit science-as-reality-tv anway:

Over 200,000 people from around the world applied to be part of Mars One. The project is a private venture that hopes to eventually establish a human outpost on the red planet. The one catch: the people sent to the red planet don’t have a way back. Even in the best-case scenario, the people who volunteer will have no way to back out or go home. The thousands of people who have signed up seem ok with that risk, for the sake of exploration.

Mars One has already started the selection process for astronauts, with plans to turn both the selection process and mission into a “media spectacle” with a reality show. Think Big Brother…in space. The company responded to reports of the fatwa with a statement:


Mars One respectfully requests GAIAE to cancel the Fatwa and make the greatest Rihla, or journey, of all times open for Muslims too. They can be the first Muslims to witness the signs of God’s creation in heaven, drawing upon the rich culture of travel and exploration of early Islam.

Really? They can be the “first Muslims to witness the signs of God’s creation in heaven”? Yeah, okay, I guess this isn’t about science, huh? Or maybe they think they’re talking (down) to addle-brained children?

I just… excuse me while I go find a barf bag. Sorry for the long, OT ranty comment—I probably should’ve just made it a Page, but… *sigh*

Y’know, I loved the internet a couple of hours ago after my Wikiwalk, but now I hate it again. //