
Trump Supporter Tweets Forged Hillary Clinton Medical Records, Then Deletes Account

Timothy Watson8/09/2016 3:06:58 am PDT

re: #101 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

But nothing draws more fury than the mention of Hillary Clinton. Crowds yell “Trump That Bitch” and scream vulgarities about her in fevered unison. At a recent rally in Virginia, a very young boy yelled “take that bitch down.” His smiling mother told reporters “I think he has a right to speak what he wants to.

He does have that right. But that does not make him any less of a vulgar sexist.

That aspect of it seems to be lost on a lot of DT supporters.

And the parents tried to say that he learned that type of language at school. Horseshit, I doubt there are that many kids who are using the word “bitch” to describe a Presidential candidate.