
American Library Association Panelists Refuse to Appear with Robert Spencer

wahabicorridor7/12/2009 4:22:45 pm PDT

Ok, from the open letter re: Spencer we have this:

Mr. Spencer in fact goes as far as to equate Islam with fascism. According to him,

The misbegotten term “Islamo-fascism” is wholly redundant: Islam itself is a kind of fascism that achieves its full and proper form only when it assumes the powers of the state.” (

The text at that link was not written by Spencer, it was written by Gregory Davis. I read it. I did not see the words ‘islamofacism’ or ‘facism’ anywhere in it. It is simply background on Islam.

These people made the right move for the wrong reason. Spencer is good on the threat of Islam. The problem is he can’t see the forest for the trees when it comes to our current day facists.

As for the fauxtography that Spencer claims Charles was duped by (I never saw either photo on this site, but then I don’t visit every day, so I don’t know which photo he ran, if either) - Spencer misses the point. IT WAS STILL DEWINTER AND BEISICHT SHAKING HANDS.

What I’m missing - and maybe I’m expecting too much from Spencer - is how he connects Charles to this library brouhaha.

But I remember the few times Spencer joined us here and I engaged him. His ecquivocation re: the european facist groups was disturbing, to say the least (and I’m sure Charles could find those threads/posts). He did, finally, write something on his site that seemed a clear repudiation of them and then - he can’t see the problem with Geller or GOV and any of of their buds.

The man has a serious disconnect somewhere.