
NAACP Passes Resolution Condemning Tea Party Racism

Nick Schroeder7/13/2010 6:23:39 pm PDT

I only read the first couple of comments to the thread but, I hate to say it, I think you guys were being optimistic. I’ve been watching Glenn Beck the past couple of days, and all he ever does anymore is show videos from roughly 20 years ago of angry black loons screaming about kill whitey.

I don’t think, at this point, they’ll even try to say they aren’t racist. They know they can’t hold ground on their argument. So they’re now in an all out effort to make it seem like black people everywhere are out to get them. It’s actually kind of frightening. Beck in particular is acutely focused on the New Black Panthers, who are a totally marginalized group of fairly extreme loons (or at least, contain enough former loons to consistently prove embarrassing). And the only thing his viewers are going to think when they see this action from the NAACP, is that the NAACP doesn’t like Glenn Beck because he ‘exposed’ the ‘secret agenda’ to kill all the white people.

This would be comical if millions of functional retards weren’t buying into it.