
Rick Santorum: What Does McCain Know About Torture Anyway?

Scottish Dragon5/18/2011 4:38:10 pm PDT

re: #87

Could also be that you ignore what Killgore says because it doesn’t work for you.

Jeez - what happened to discussions? Why is everyone so damned eager to throw around accusations that end a conversation rather than talking it through? What are you scared of?

I meant it seriously.

Kilgore is pretty damned smart, and I am working out whether his opinion here is based on empirical sensibilities or an emotional attachment to the concept of “torture can work”.

He makes statements like that above which are based on his subjective understanding and are not really self evident to those he is arguing this with…so I am going with emotional attachment for the time being.

If there is a case to be made for torture, we can have that out…but we have been going over this for over 400 years, haven’t we?