
Chimp of the Day

Pietr4/18/2009 9:19:30 am PDT

re: #966 realwest

Thanks {yma} but the fact that Lizards rushed to tear him apart on my behalf, while gratifying, isn’t nearly as gratifying as tearing him apart myself, ya know?
If Iron Fist shows up today, you can ask him if I can take care of myself (and then some) out here on LGF.
Course in the real world I’m 64 and have cancer so would have to use some sort of, um, hmmm IMPLEMENT - that’s it implement to defend myself.
Fortunately mama’s boys never really come out to play in the real world. They stare at photos of Rambo, then when their, uh, excitement level, goes down, they type again!

I made a sorta Rambo reply to the TROLL-and I’m 62 this year, Amigo. What do you think of my Little Green Football-it seems only 5 Peeps have noticed, but dozens carped at me to change it (and NO, I’m not starting a Fish Pun subthread).