
Tuesday Afternoon Music: Bruce Hornsby, 'In The Low Country'

iceweasel3/16/2010 6:35:46 pm PDT

re: #1006 wozzablog

St Margret of Thatcer infomd us there was no such thing as society about 30 years ago.

The moment I got back I realised things had changed. The demolition crew had been in, the wreckers and refitters, the strippers and blasters. The attitudes and assumptions I’d grown up with had been razed to the ground, and a bold new society had risen in their place, a free-enterprise, demand-driven, flaunt-it-and-fuck-you society, dedicated to excellence and achievement. Something new, unheard-of! Created by this one woman! She had spurned the hypocritical cant beloved of politicians and addressed herself directly to the people, showing them how well she knew them, telling them what they whispered in their hearts but dared not speak! “You don’t want a caring society,” she had told them, in effect. “You say you do, but you don’t, not really. You couldn’t care less about education and health and all the rest of it. And don’t for christsake talk to me about culture. You don’t give a toss about culture. All you want to do is sit at home and watch TV. No, it’s no use protesting! I know you. You’re selfish, ignorant, greedy, and complacent. So vote for me.”
And they had, over and over again, so many times that no one except me seemed to remember that things had ever been different.

Michael Dibdin, Dirty Tricks