
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Bagua8/20/2009 2:49:07 pm PDT

re: #1005 Sharmuta

That’s what the discovery institute says!

Damn, I should sue them for infringement!

For the record, I don’t know what this “Discovery Institute” is, and I have never sourced or read them. I gather they are some sort of creationist site?

Here’s an example for you. When accidentally clicking on some nutter sites, I’ve often seen a common argument they make, that one should buy gold.

If I were to suggest that one buy gold on completely different grounds, different research, different point of view, do I then rate a comparison to those sites?

I think there is far too much labeling that goes on, leaving every one “pinned and wiggling on the wall” it is possible to discuss issues without always finding a group to put the respondent in to. Yes, it is fair practice in many cases, but not all and it really brings down the discussion.