
Melanie Phillips Takes a Wrong Turn on 'Intelligent Design' Creationism

FoundingFather5/06/2009 1:37:43 am PDT

re: #957 Charles

Name some examples of these “fascist attempts to silence and destroy the careers of anyone,” etc.

Can you name even one example?

You don’t do much for your credibility when you show such disconnect with reality. For starters there are the black robed fascists that have banned any criticism of Darwinist dogma, no matter what the public overwhelmingly supports. In Georgia the courts even ruled that telling students to “keep an open mind” is unconstitutional.

Ben Stein was forced to cancel his commencement speech (not about evolution at all) because of a campaign of opposition due to his views on evolution.

As far as specific examples regarding scientists, there is the firing of Dembski from Baylor’s Center for Complexity, Information, and Design, the denial of tenure to Iowa’s Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez (in Astronomy), the Smithsonian’s firing of Dr. Richard Sternberg for the heretical act of publishing an ID paper (no open minds allowed here either), the firing of Nancy Bryson from the Mississippi University for Women for giving a talk, “Critical Thinking on Evolution” to some honors students.

I’m sure there are lots more, and many times more than that who are cowed into silence lest their own careers be destroyed. (It’s probably safer to come out of the closet as a homosexual in Iran.)

Darwinism has taken on all the trappings of a fanatic religion, complete with its own version of the Inquisition.