
Video: Ben Carson Blames Oregon Shooting Victims: "I Would Not Just Stand There and Let Him Shoot Me"

Blind Frog Belly White10/06/2015 1:02:35 pm PDT

re: #101 Nyet

In order to make that argument creationists have to redefine the term “macroevolution” from how the scientists actually use it.

They only acknowledge some “radically” new species, like, morphologically different, as “new” (think cats from dogs), and it has nothing to do with the scientific definition.

Ironically, their “arkology”/baraminology requires them to believe that, say, lions, tigers and cats are one kind, so a real-time evolution of a lion from a cat-like ancestor would *not* suffice.

They’re fucking psychos is what they are.

Crazier still, they attempt to get around the obvious limitations of the Ark by positing that it contained, for example, to members of a single Felid progenitor species, which then evolved into all the different Felid species once the Ark landed. And note that there has been little or no change in any of these species within recorded history, so it would all have happened in about, maybe 500 years. This is many orders of magnitude FASTER than the pace of evolution that they deny could possibly have happened.