
The Media Slants ... Right?

jcm3/05/2009 9:42:34 am PST

OT but will this get Reported (HT Rush)

My headline would be:
Obama is a naif on the International scene.

Gordon Brown gives a unique, and historically rooted present.

The pen holder will apparently qualify because it’s made from wood from the sister ship of HMS Resolute, whose timbers were used to make the so-called Resolute Desk, presented as a gift by Queen Victoria and still used in the Oval Office today.

What does our learless feeder give to PM Brown?

25 classic American films on DVD as his official gift from Barack Obama.

How many pen holders made from the wood of the HMS Resolute are there? Which also match the oval desk’s origins?

How many boxed sets of movies are there?
Yeesh, Obama is a bumbling fool…..