
Don't Forget Mom

Ericus585/07/2010 1:19:48 pm PDT

Speaking of meat:

Hugo Chavez’s Response to Beef Shortage: Arrest Butchers

“At least 40 butchers were detained last week on charges of speculation for allegedly driving up their prices. Some say they were held at a military base and were later strip searched when turned over to police.

Butchers and wholesalers say they have the same problem facing many other industries: government price controls have eliminated profit margins. The recent arrests have prompted some to stop selling beef altogether for fear of ending up behind bars—adding to the scarcity.

“We’ve been working all our lives here and we’ve never been through this before, where they take you away, strip you, take off everything down to your underwear and then put you in a cell,” said butcher Omar Cedeno, who was held for two days before being released last week

Cedeno was taken away in a truck with soldiers to Fort Tiuna, where he was held along with seven other butchers. They were taken the next day to a courthouse cell, where they were strip-searched, he said.

At least 32 other butchers were also charged last week. If convicted, they could face two to six years in prison.

The government says butchers can charge 17 bolivars—about $4—for a kilogram of beef. Butchers say they have to pay 14 bolivars—about $3 —for the meat leaving them no margin to cover the other costs of their business.

Some had been charging 24 to 40 bolivars a kilo, depending on the cut, until last week’s raids stopped them from selling any beef at all. “

“Paging Sean Penn…..”