
Huckabee on Hannity: The Stimulus Bill Persecutes Christians

Walter L. Newton2/13/2009 9:33:29 pm PST

re: #1007 Charles

No one said anything about “jettisoning” anyone. The problem is not that religious fundamentalists are present in the GOP, it’s that they are largely in charge of the GOP.

It did not used to be like this; it’s a fairly recent development, and it has led the GOP to ruin, in my opinion. (And not just my opinion.)

We have a lawyer here, in the Denver radio market, named Dan Caplis, and the state GOP is looking at him as a possible state senate run. He has been on the air for 10 years, and he is a staunch Catholic. And when I say staunch, I mean “papist,” with most of what goes with that old word.

It’s creationism all the way, in his case, the church can do NO wrong, and everyone else’s moral compass is way off.

Almost every position he takes is first filtered through his religious beliefs, and he will bring them to the table.