
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/20/2009 2:50:40 pm PDT

re: #1002 Bagua

So you assert over and over again. Is science a popularity poll? Were are these polls published?

The “Trust us we’re the experts” line doesn’t always bring home the bacon.

You really don’t understand how science works. The idea is not popularity. The idea is that the preponderance of evidence causes both the skeptics and the supporters to align their views with the facts as the consensus is reached.

There was a time when people thought that the Earth was flat. The preponderance of the evidence convinced most scientists and then most people that it is indeed round. The existence of a flat Earth Society that claims it has it’s own scientists, does not overcome all of the evidence the consensus is bringing.

There is also a matter of what is settled and what is not.

NO one debates - even amongst the legitimate skeptics, men like Dyson, that CO2 is a GHG, or that it has an effect or that the concentrations have risen precipitously in the past century. Dyson argues about the extent of the effect. Pretty much everyone else thinks he is wrong and they come with data and peer reviewed work to make the case.