
You Mean People Didn't Already Know Romney Was Going to Run Again?

Higgs Boson's Mate1/09/2015 4:01:27 pm PST

re: #88 Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing

How many flag-rank officers have served as head of the C.I.A.? I get what you’re saying, but this would seem to be on a different level wrt national security and top secret clearances. Like I said, I don’t think he’ll see jail time, but FBI and Justice prosecutors are recommending charges filed, so that’s not nothing.

Depends on the DoJ. Considering this DoJ’s non-response to CIA torture I wouldn’t look for much more than a negotiated agreement that results in Petraeus losing a star and being told that he was very naughty. Personally, I’d like to see him busted down to Private and sent to Ft. Leavenworth for a long stretch, but RHIP.