
Thursday Night Music: Regina Spektor, 'Laughing With'

Dianna6/25/2009 7:19:25 pm PDT

re: #94 Walter L. Newton

What part(s) of you are missing 3 rubber feet and a screw? Is this something you can get at the doctors office or a Home Depot, or is it proprietary parts that you need to order from, well, who ever?

Oh, it’s the laptop cooler thingy. He could, of course, go buy them. What’s irritating him is that he’d neatly laid them out on a nice, clean sheet of paper on the sofa table while he cleaned the dog fur out of the fans. Then the cat leapt up onto the sofa table (where he is forbidden to be, and normally never goes, since the back of the sectional is the kitty super highway and he doesn’t need to use the table) and batted. Screws and rubber feet vanished into the fourth dimension!