
Overnight Open Thread

Kosh's Shadow5/26/2009 9:35:07 am PDT

re: #1023 Kenneth

It’s hard to say exactly what he’s doing. Most of it is going to happen behind closed doors. I’m sure the US & China are talking (and with Japan, South Korea etc). Obama does love to talk. Whether he can convince anybody to do anything remains to be seen. So far Obama is all talk and no **ck.

A military attack on North Korea is out of the question. It is not worth killing the millions who would die in another Korean War. Short of that: a blockade, trade sanctions, financial interdiction, cutting off food aid… all of these are being considered. Do you have any idea what will work? I sure don’t.

Keep in mind, the US has very limited influence over what happens in North Korea. All the 6 party diplomacy talks were an effort to develop some kind of leverage on North Korea. Would direct 2 party talks work better? I doubt China or Japan or South Korea would be willing to let the US speak for them. So it goes…

An embargo; all ships searched; any missile components or bombs confiscated.
All luxury imports banned. No alcohol, tobacco, gourmet food, etc. Regular food, fine. No Viagra or porn. Kim Jong Il will have another stroke.