
Overnight Open Thread

gtrs5/28/2009 10:14:02 am PDT

re: #996 Flyers1974
as a conservative democrat, when i post on kos some of the folks(to be fair, it is the “vocal few” you speak of)have a fit if any negative word is spoken about obama from the right BUT those SAME folks trash him consistently from THE LEFT! that type of hypocrisyis a big joke to me; the reason i like this site centers around the “pro-science” stances the owner(charles) takes as well as some of his views on foreign affairs; i really could care less about the stuff dealing with the republican party, i just like to “rattle the cage” of those i find dismissive(like to the folks who denigrate iceweasel simply because she self-identies as a “liberal”; i have found ALL of her post to be reasonable, her detractors; not so much…..)