
Mother Jones Blows the Whistle on Bill O'Reilly's Numerous "War Zone" Lies

darthstar2/19/2015 6:26:36 pm PST

Girl Scouts is a great organization. And they sell cookies as a regular fundraiser every year…I’m okay with that. I can remember my friend’s sister carrying her dozen boxes or so from door to door selling them to her neighbors. We lived in the country so my sister avoided that fate.

But when I see some woman with her kid outside the Bart station with 12 cases of each type of cookie stacked up I have zero interest in buying them.

No, your daughter didn’t sell a record 500 boxes of cookies for her troop. You sold 500 boxes outside a train station because you’re a competitive asshole who is using your daughter as a tool for manipulating people into buying. And if you’re sending her to school telling her she can brag to her friends how many cookies she sold you’re teaching her to lie to herself and others.

Girl Scouts should set some realistic limits on how many cookies they let people ‘check out’ to sell. It’s really pathetic.

/grumpy guy rant off. And I love them fucking Samoas - though I’m on day 19 of my Chocolate-free month and they have to fucking sell them NOW? Shit. /grumpy guy rant on