
Video: Keith Olbermann Returns to Politics as GQ's Election Correspondent

KGxvi9/12/2016 12:23:47 pm PDT

I’m trying to game this out from a wingnut perspective…

Let’s say it turns out in the next week or two that Clinton isn’t healthy enough for the job. So she decides to step aside, what happens?

One of two things, I’m guessing…

Behind Door Number 1: Clinton stays on the ballots, but Democratic electors agree to vote for Kaine as president in the electoral college, and somebody else for VP. So it effectively becomes Kaine vs Trump. Kaine maybe isn’t well know, but we can pretty much guarantee that he’d do better in a head to head match up with Trump (because he’s (a) not Clinton and (b) not Trump).

Behind Door Number 2: The DNC chooses a new nominee, to replace Clinton on the ballot. This one is a bit more difficult, but you don’t think that someone like Joe Biden or Jerry Brown (or one of plenty of other elected Democrats) wouldn’t take the call to step in? In this case, whoever is selected would probably do better in a head to head match up with Trump (because they’re (a) not Clinton and (b) not Trump).

In either case, how, exactly does this help Trump?