
And Now, a Picture of the Milky Way's Supermassive Black Hole (VIDEO)

Florida Panhandler5/12/2022 2:20:02 pm PDT

re: #103 Decatur Deb

I do know two very reliable reality-based people who had UFO experiences. One was mild “lights-in-the-sky”, the other described a craft outside our tech. Both were almost certainly wrong. People make mistakes.

People also lie and tell stories. This includes Navy pilots. This includes government officials. There are various reasons as to why people in positions of responsibility lie, or are genuinely mistaken in their observations.

The burden of proof relies on those who “witness” things. I’ll choose to side on the Laws of Physics and the realities of distance, energy, gravity and civilization burnout which means the chances of anything coming here to us is pretty much Zero.