
Jindal on Meet the Press

funky chicken2/22/2009 9:25:41 am PST

re: #87 FrogMarch

I think saying no to the stimulus fraud is a good thing. And I also think that Gov. Schwarzenegger has had a little too much of his wife’s kool-aid.
but that’s just me.

if Jindal were smart he should come out and say “Instead of increasing my states welfare rolls, I’d like to use the Stimulus money to fix the levees once and for all. But there wasn’t any money in the Stimulus assigned to fix the problems in New Orleans related to hurricane Katrina.

or something…

LOL now that would be funny. But you assume that anybody really cares about those levees….beyond their use as a political football.

Jindal is a good governor for Louisiana. I genuinely wish he hadn’t signed that creationism bill….but it’s Louisiana. The majority of the population probably did support it.

Jindal appears to have a strong understanding of fiscal issues, and appears to understand Louisiana’s problems and has good ideas for potential solutions for those problems. I wish him success on helping to improve his state.

And I pray that he will stay there for many, many terms doing exactly that….