
Signs of Desperation: RNC Chair Priebus Calls GOP War on Women 'Fictional'

Targetpractice4/05/2012 11:21:08 am PDT

re: #98 Expand Your Ground

That has little to do with it. The GOP will go to great lengths to insist that it is Obama’s rejection of the Keystone Pipeline and his refusal to loosen all those pesky environmental regulations that is choking US production and driving up gasoline prices.

And there will be enough people who buy that argument.

I’d meet that with ads about how the GOP rejected an amendment to the Highway Bill, itself one big giveaway to the oil and gas companies, that would have banned export of oil and byproducts from the Keystone XL line. Or ads about the earthquakes that have been traced back to natural gas fracking, along with the tap water in towns that’s as flammable as kerosene. Or hell, just one ad showing the infamous apology to BP execs because they were being told to put money aside for victims of the Deepwater Horizon spill.

There’s plenty of fodder for ads that would put Big Oil on the defensive.