
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Honorary Yooper8/20/2009 2:57:40 pm PDT

re: #1040 Sharmuta

But we can’t propose constrained trade offs if we’re denying the science.

Very true. However, there still lies the question of how reliable the models are. What we do need in the policy debate is the facts and the science, and a rough idea of the worst and best that can happen. What we don’t need are the doomsayers, the hypocrites, and those who would have us simply go back to being hunter-gatherer cavemen. There are valid and valuable engineering solutions. Some of these are off-the-shelf and ready to go. Some of these are still being tinkered with. What I have a real problem with is those who deny that we can use engineering to do what we need to do to maintain our standard of living while making it cleaner, better, and easier on the environment.