
Joe the Plumber Speaks Out Against 'Queers'

realwest5/04/2009 10:44:52 pm PDT

re: #982 Gus 802 Well Gus I have to disagree with you there. Obama was the first candidate from either party to turn down matching funds and wound up outspending McCain by 7-1 or thereabouts. Someone paid for that and it wasn’t all those “little people” with all of their checks in amounts which meant they didn’t have to disclose their names to the FEC. Soros probably didn’t give ALL his money to Obama, but if he gave him $250 million, Soros wouldn’t really miss it - and google or even Wiki Soros on where he stands politically - he is a socialist (I know that sounds funny, but as the ELITE LEFTIST MANTRA goes “I’ve got mine, screw you.”).