
If You Think You're Anonymous Online, Think Again

GunstarGreen2/25/2014 10:58:05 am PST

re: #16 lawhawk

Food for thought.

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Why indeed?* Gay = evil, and it once again shows that the socons and GOP are intolerant? They’re biased, and think that if teh Ghey show up, they’ll get cooties?

For all the talk about being small government, the GOP and conservatives are all about regulating up to and into the bedroom (and lady bits; especially the lady bits). They’re all about prohibiting anything they deem to be anti-Christian, which is rather laughable given their Pu-pu platter approach to the Bible (we’ll take one item from column a and another from column b, ignoring all the rest).

And then they cloak their bias with claims that changing things to be more inclusive will be discriminatory against their religious beliefs.

* conservative gay organization? Seeking outreach among those who consider them doomed to hellfire and that they should be treated as second class citizens?

I will never understand the Log Cabin Republicans. When a political party explicitly informs me, in no uncertain terms, that it wants nothing to do with me and would prefer that I have fewer rights than anyone else? I do not support that party.

I mean… what, is it some twisted sort of stockholm syndrome? Or is LCR really composed of people who have decided, very literally, that money is more important than people?