
Confederate Flag Wavers *Heart* Mia Love

Viscous Obama11/07/2014 11:58:51 am PST

Hey, remember that friend of Robert Spencer who was brought up in association with the election in Donetsk? Well, get a load of this:

Survival Strategy
By Srdja Trifkovic

Since the late 1800’s the Jews have had a disproportionate impact on a host of intellectual trends and political movements which have fundamentally altered the civilization of Europe and its overseas offspring in a manner deeply detrimental to the family, nation, culture, racial solidarity, social coherence, tradition, morality and faith. Spontaneously or deliberately, those ideas and movements — Marxism (including neoconservatism as the bastard child of Trotskyism), Freudianism, Frankfurt School cultural criticism, Bosnian anthropology, etc. — have eroded “the West” to the point where its demographic and cultural survival is uncertain. The erosion is continuing, allegedly in the name of propositional principles and universal values, and it is pursued with escalating ferocity.’

Why the fuck was this guy invited to speak at Yad Vashem in 2006?