
Watch Live: 2016 Democratic Convention, Day 4, Thread 1

BeachDem7/28/2016 4:36:16 pm PDT

re: #48 HappyWarrior

I keep on seeing them say that the DNC has suppressed progressive voices and I just want to know how and which voices. They got the most progressive platform ever. Bernie got to speak and Bernie has been praised by top Dems like Kaine and Obama. Honestly, I think the Democratic Party’s been pretty damn generous to Bernie and his supporters considering many of them treat the DNC and Democratic Party as no better than the RNC.

There was a comment at Wonkette that kind of said what I feel:

Y’know what I really hate? And what I hope isn’t a factor anymore soon? The fact that I feel like I can’t be a full-throated Hillary fan. Like I’m supposed to always temper my enthusiasm with a few Hail Bernies to make up for her handful of sins.