
Overnight Open Thread

I Need A Bigger Gun1/06/2009 12:38:25 am PST

Some random thoughts:

1. Watched Hannity and Colmes earlier this evening, and had the pleasure of watching Alan Colmes lecturing Thomas Sowell on economics. That’s akin to watching Shawn Kemp lecturing a nun on celebacy.

2. Okay Minnesota, we gave you Jesse Ventura. But Al Franken?!? I’m calling for mandatory drug testing of all registered voters in Minnesota.

3. Why is Little O picking so many former Clinton hacks to be in his cabinet? Simple: he’s in over his head and doesn’t have a fucking clue about what he should be doing. So much for “change”. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

4. Leon Panetta to be the head of the C.I.A.? Are you fucking crazy? Because he has good managerial and administrative skills?!? Hey, good managerial and administrative skills are fine if you want to be the night manager of the local WalMart, but not the head of the C.I. freaking A.!