
Overnight Open Thread

Spare O'Lake1/06/2009 9:10:26 am PST

(repost of #341)
Does anyone doubt that the majority of the humanitarian aid entering Gaza is being diverted by Hamas? Until Israel stops playing this public relations sucker game, it will actually be providing support and sustenance to the terrorists.

Does anyone doubt that Egypt is still allowing smuggling of weapons into Gaza via the tunnels, and that there are still some tunnels operating? Until Israel takes and holds the southern perimeter of Gaza there will be no way to prevent Hamas from rearming from the south. Cutting off the northward flow of missiles from the south by cutting Gaza in the middle will merely shift the launching to the south, and with the availability of longer ranged missiles the end result will be less than satisfactory.

Pending correction of these fundamental tactical weaknesses, the realistic objectives of the mission must remain compromised.