
Video: All Four Eyewitness Accounts of the Michael Brown Shooting

Blind Frog Belly White8/23/2014 1:42:13 pm PDT

re: #98 FourEyeFreckleFace

Hey, first post! I’ve been reading LGF for years, made an account once but really spent all my time here reading, rather than contributing. Eventually that account was axed (as it should have been) but I’d like to be more involved now. Really appreciate the posts here, but just as much, the discussion that follows.

ANYWAY - one thing I’ve noticed lately is that there are quite a few posters here who have very close family members (parents, sibs, even partners) with some pretty opposing political views, or at least reactions to events. I am right there with you. Today I’m heading up to an annual family reunion, packed with some super-right wingers as well as ultra-lefties, but not a lot of (vocal) thoughtfulness in between. Sometimes some real nasty shit comes out. I know tonight will devolve into Ferguson rants, and while I feel completely confident in my own understanding of what’s happening, I know that reason will be trampled. Ugh. So, to any of you feeling division in your own homes, keep your head up, know your stuff, and continue to love ‘em.

In my family, we had a rule that whoever loses his temper first loses the argument. It was easy to tell with my one sister, because she’d throw small objects.