
And Now, Sassy Trump vs Jim Acosta

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷11/08/2018 2:37:37 pm PST

Wonkette weighing in on the media entirely ignoring a Nazi dogwhistle from Ted Nugent.

Ted Nugent Being Subtle Again

Ted Nugent, a native of Michigan, took to Facebook Wednesday to express his displeasure at the Badger Chevrolet Wolverine State for electing a whole bunch of Democrats, and maybe one Democrat in particular if you know what he means and we think you do.

On the compendium of random brainsharts that serves as his Facebook page, the full-time Texas resident explained the majority of Michigan voters certainly don’t speak for most Michiganders, like him, for instance.

Real God country family Michiganiacs are heartbroke that more of us want the once great state of Michigan to turn into a California shithole. Downright insane cultural suicide. Thanks for nothing assholes.

(bold mine)

They then go into various local and national media outlets which completely missed the point of Nugent’s Faceborg post, and the fact none of his followers there missed it at all.