
What? Did I Say Something?

lawhawk12/01/2009 11:39:17 am PST

re: #101 AJStrata

The comments left on your posting pretty much reinforce the reasons that Charles has been alluding to or openly stating for some time now. It’s interesting that Charles’ postings about climate change are now considered anti-science, even if Charles is posting the science to back up his position, and taking offense with those who claim that there is no science backing up global warming or climate change or whatever they’re calling it these days (speaking of which, how many days before we are beyond the point of no return as UK’s Gordon Brown proclaimed not too long ago).

Then, there’s the issue of creationism and ID and their place in science classrooms, along with the proliferation of Republicans who are pushing for ID in the science classroom alongside evolution, even though ID is a religious idea at its core, and has no place in a science classroom.